3 days after crucifixion was supposed to be a happy day for all the disciples, a great day to celebrate, a big day to be waiting for. But what happened 2,000 years ago was the opposite! No one was happy, no one was excited, no was waiting for that day. Why did it happen? There was must be something wrong! The Bible told that our journey of faith as a believer also supposed to be a joyful journey, a happy experience in its every single steps, but sometimes it does not happen like that. So, what is wrong?


As today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the grave, let’s look upon the problem that happened 2,000 years ago, let’s reflect it into our life, and then together let’s apply the answer so that we can always have a happy day in this perishing world.


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Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 4Apr21

Ayat khotbah bahasa Indonesia: Ayat Khotbah 4Apr21

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