31 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: John 3:22-38, Jeremiah 22-23
31 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: John 3:22-38, Jeremiah 22-23
30 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: John 3:1-21, Jeremiah 20-21
29 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: John 2, Jeremiah 18-19
28 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: John 1:29-51, Jeremiah 15-17 THE TOKEN OF TRUE DISCIPLESHIP Being disciple is not only about attending the class whenever the teacher ready to speak. The Bible wrote: Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “What...
Read MoreSunday Service (M889) | Mount Zion Church | 27 Oktober 2019 | Peduli | 1Korintus 13:5 Peduli adalah suatu tindakan yang didasari pada keprihatinan terhadap masalah orang lain, atau masalah lingkungan, masalah sosial dll. Biasanya diawali dengan rasa iba, kemudian ada tindak...
Read More27 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: John 1:1-28, Jeremiah 12-14
26 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: 2Peter 3, Jeremiah 9-11
25 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: 2Peter 2, Jeremiah 6-8
24 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: 2Peter 1, Jeremiah 3-5
23 OCTOBER Daily Bible Reading: 1Peter 5, Jeremiah 1-2