30 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 20, Ezekiel 37-39
30 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 20, Ezekiel 37-39
29 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 19:28-42, Ezekiel 35-36
28 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 19:1-27, Ezekiel 33-34
27 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 18:19-40, Ezekiel 30-32
26 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 18:1-18, Ezekiel 27-29
25 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 17, Ezekiel 24-26
24 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 16, Ezekiel 22-23
23 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 15, Ezekiel 20-21
Sunday Service (M892) | Mount Zion Church | 24 November 2019 | Church: The Bride of Christ | Ekklesia Sermon Series | Ephesians 5:25-27 Tuhan Yesus yang membangun gereja, bahkan Tuhan Yesus juga mengasihi dan menyerahkan diri-Nya untuk gereja! Kasih Tuhan Yesus untuk gereja...
Read More22 NOVEMBER Daily Bible Reading: John 14, Ezekiel 18-19