Daily Bible Reading: Luke 9:18-36, Psalms 116-118




Becoming the disciples of Jesus Christ is all about the cross! Jesus said: “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me Luk.9:23.” Long time before Jesus was crucified upon the cross, He already declared about the importance about taking the cross, not only once but everyday!


Back to those days, cross was the most cruel punishment for human being that introduced by the Romans. Cross meant curse! The disciples might not understand completely when Jesus was talking about taking the cross daily. But later they understood as written by Paul: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree Gal.3:13.”


Taking up the cross daily could mean 3 things. First, the cross means the victory of Christ. We must abide within the cross of Christ in every single day so that we may become more than conquerors Rm.8:37. Second, the cross means doing the will of God. Jesus was aware that the cross would be very horrible but still He said: “Not as I will, but as You will Mat.26:39.” Third, the cross means the Spirit of glory. By taking the cross we are declaring that we are ready to suffer in the flesh just like Christ. And the Bible told us: “If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you 1Pet.4:14.” So, why the cross? It is all about the love of God that gives us everything. Praise God!




Menjadi murid Yesus Kristus adalah tentang salib! Yesus berkata: “Setiap orang yang mau mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya, memikul salibnya setiap hari dan mengikut Aku Luk.9:23.” Jauh sebelum Yesus disalibkan di atas kayu salib, Dia sudah menyatakan tentang pentingnya memikul salib, bukan hanya sekali melainkan setiap hari!


Pada masa itu, salib adalah hukuman paling kejam bagi manusia yang diperkenalkan oleh orang Romawi. Salib berarti kutukan! Para murid mungkin tidak mengerti sepenuhnya ketika Yesus berbicara tentang memikul salib setiap hari. Namun kemudian mereka mengerti seperti yang ditulis oleh Paulus: Kristus telah menebus kita dari kutuk hukum Taurat dengan jalan menjadi kutuk karena kita, sebab ada tertulis: “Terkutuklah orang yang digantung pada kayu salib Gal.3:13!”


Memikul salib setiap hari dapat berarti 3 hal. Pertama, salib berarti kemenangan Kristus. Kita harus tinggal di dalam salib Kristus setiap hari agar kita menjadi lebih dari pemenang Rm.8:37. Kedua, salib berarti melakukan kehendak Allah. Yesus sadar bahwa salib sangatlah mengerikan namun Dia tetap berkata: “Bukan seperti yang Ku kehendaki, melainkan seperti yang Engkau kehendaki Mat.26:39.” Ketiga, salib berarti Roh kemuliaan. Dengan memikul salib kita menyatakan bahwa kita siap untuk menderita penderitaan badani seperti Kristus. Dan Alkitab berkata: “Berbahagialah kamu, jika kamu dinista karena nama Kristus, sebab Roh kemuliaan, yaitu Roh Allah ada padamu 1Pet.4:14.” Jadi, mengapa salib? Ini semua tentang kasih Allah yang memberikan segalanya pada kita. Terpujilah nama Tuhan!

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